We are pleased to recognize geriatric medicine fellow Lisa Smith DO for presenting at MaineGeneral Medical Center’s Hospital Grand Rounds. Dr. Smith’s presentation on the aging mind and dementia took place June 22, 2023.

We are pleased to recognize geriatric medicine fellow Lisa Smith DO for presenting at MaineGeneral Medical Center’s Hospital Grand Rounds. Dr. Smith’s presentation on the aging mind and dementia took place June 22, 2023.
Please join us in recognizing Lisa Smith, DO, for her accomplishment as lead author on a textbook chapter titled Health Literacy for Older Adults, which appears in the newly published Reichel’s Care of the Elderly (8th edition). Dr. Smith worked with former MDFMR geriatric medicine fellowship director Dr. Annette Beyea and colleagues from the University […]
Please join us in congratulating Maine-Dartmouth’s geriatric medicine program director Dr. Rebecca Spear who co-authored an article recently published in the Annals of Palliative Medicine: Ouellet JA, Prsic EH, Spear RA, et al. An observational case series of targeted virtual geriatric medicine and palliative care consults for hospitalized older adults with COVID-19. Ann Palliat Med. […]
Geriatric medicine fellow Dr. Lauren Hall presented her case-based poster at the 2018 annual scientific meeting of the American Geriatrics Society on May 3 in Orlando FL. Dr. Hall’s poster, co-authored by fellowship director Dr. Annette Beyea, was selected for inclusion in the Presidential Poster Session, which is quite an honor. Congratulations!
Please join us in congratulating all three of our geriatric medicine fellows — Drs. Daphne Lang, Lauren Hall, and Shayna Shackford — for each being selected to present a poster at the 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society this May in Orlando, FLA. Dr. Lang, with faculty co-authors Dr. JoAnn Wang and […]
Anyone interested in healthy cooking and eating may want to try a class with faculty member Dr. Eileen Fingerman through MaineGeneral Health Prevention and Healthy Living! A one-session class on “eating to boost brain power” will be held on November 7 and repeated on November 28, and a two-session class, “fight inflammation with food,” is […]
MaineGeneral Medical Center in collaboration with MDFMR’s geriatric medicine department will present the 3rd annual Geriatric Symposium, titled “It Takes a Team: Reducing Polypharmacy and Adverse Drug Effects,” on Thurs October 5, 2017, from 8 – 3:45 at the Alfond Center for Health in Augusta. The Symposium will focus on implementation of best practices for […]
Fellowship faculty member Dr. Eileen Fingerman delivered a day-long workshop sponsored by AdCare Educational Institute of Maine titled “A New Approach to Sunset.” The workshop is part of an AdCare project focused on improving the capacity for substance abuse providers to recognize and respond effectively to seniors struggling with substance abuse and misuse.
Fellowship director Dr. Annette Beyea is offering lunchtime education to providers and staff at MaineGeneral outpatient practices in order to cultivate expertise on managing older adults in the primary care setting. These informal conversations are tailored to practice needs; subjects to date include modification of risk factors for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia; medication […]
Fellowship faculty member Dr. Nate Harmon delivered an excellent hour-long professional development session to MDFMR faculty addressing goals of care, difficult conversations, and POLST (physician orders for life-sustaining treatment). The session is part of an ongoing initiative to improve the integration of geriatric-specific care within primary care in order to improve systems of care for […]